Archive for
Februari 2017
Hi Health Sciences fellas!We are back!
So, we will inform you all about NUDC 2017.
Check this post out
1. What is NUDC?
National Universities Debating Championship (NUDC) is a nationwide tournament run by Ministry of Research, Technology and Higher Education (Menristekdikti).
2. Aim of NUDC
Improve English communication skills and create healthy competition among students
3. Who can join NUDC?
Diploma and Undergraduate student from any major
4. Selection process of NUDC
- 1. University ( All faculty in university)
- 2. Regional ( Central Java)
5. Debate System
British Parliamentary
British Parliamentary requires 4 teams (2 teams as the government (Opening and Closing) and 2 teams as the opposition (same) in each debate. Each team consists of two speakers.
Source: http://belmawa.ristekdikti.go.id/wp-content/uploads/2017/02/Pedoman-NUDC-2017.pdf
For further inquires, you can contact through LINE :
Indah Luzclarita (Nutrition'2016) : indahluzclarita
Hanawindra Saraswati (Public Health' 2015) : hnwndr
Ministry of Debate
More Information:
Line: @vmu9605x
Ig: @ehealth_unsoed
Blog: ehealthunsoed.blogspot.com
E-Health cordially invites you to the National University Debating Championship, also known as NUDC, a nationwide tournament run by Ministry of Research, Technology and Higher Education (Menristekdikti).
NUDC 2017 challenges university students nationwide to compete and demonstrate their knowledge in many important and controversial issues worldwide through the world of parliamentary debating.
Curious about NUDC?
Wait for the next information at our Official Account!
Ministry of Debate
E-Health Unsoed 2017
Cabinet ACTIVE!
As a form of a global campaign to raise the awareness of cancer in children, every year on February 15th was held as International Children Cancer Day.
The International Children Cancer Day also intended to show some supports for children and teenagers of cancer survivor and their family.
Warning annual is used as the momentum to push a profound understanding to issues and challenge about the needs of treatment and medication for children with cancer.
Ministry of Media and Public Relation
E-Health Unsoed 2017
Cabinet ACTIVE!
People seem to always feel better to know how others should live, but they do not know how to live alone. And when you want something, all the universe conspires to help you achieve it
English of Health Sciences (E-Health) Unsoed, with our modesty, ask you the all elements of KBMIK to give your critics from our last period or any kind of idea for the better E-HEALTH tomorrow.
We hope "Forza" can be the place for vocalize your brilliant aspiration.
Give your aspiration via bit.ly/ForzaEhealth2017
E-Health Unsoed 2017
Action Together To Evolve